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Electronic Diffuser

From €39.99

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4 hours 33 minutes 58 seconds

Style meets serenity in this Marbled Ceramic USB Diffuser.

Emitting a soft white glow from its rose-tinted glossy exterior, this diffuser makes the perfect addition to any chic interior.

Humidify the air in your home to maintain healthy levels while creating a calming ambience to balance your wellbeing. Add a few drops of any of our essential oils to this diffuser and benefit from a number of therapeutic properties.

They help to reduce airborne contaminants by neutralising positively-charged free radicals such as dust, pollen and smoke particles, leaving your home fresh and clean.

Essential oils can also help reduce bacteria and fungi that might be lingering in the air, as well as naturally eliminate nasty odours, so you can breathe easy.

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Royal Mail 1st Class€3.99
Delivered in 1-3 days
Standard Tracked€3.99
Delivered in 2-3 days
Express Tracked€4.99
Delivered in 1-2 days
Guaranteed Tracked€6.75
Delivered by 1pm on your chosen date including Saturday

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