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Famous Grouse Chocolates Tube

From £11.99

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2 hours 19 minutes 25 seconds

Smooth milk chocolate with a truffle filling that is infused with the Famous Grouse blended Scotch whisky, is a perfect treat for a cold winters evening.

Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Whole Milk Powder, Cocoa Mass, Glucose Syrup, The Famous Grouse Blended Scotch Whiskey (4%), Humectant (Sorbitol Syrup), Condensed MILK, Emulsifier (SOY LECITHIN), Preservative (Sorbic Acid), Flavourings. This product contains alcohol <1%.

Please see allergens in bold

Not suitable for children.

Store in a cool, dry place.

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Royal Mail 1st Class£3.99
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Express Tracked£4.99
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Guaranteed Tracked£6.75
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