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New Mum Gift Box

From £34.99

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This gift box is to give a new mummy a little help to unwind, and let her know that she is doing a fantastic job. Includes a little something for the baby too.

Hot Mama Morning Rescue Tea (15 bags) - Organic tea with anti-inflammatory and calming herbs.

Montezuma’s Milk Chocolate Bar 90g - A beautifully smooth organic milk chocolate bar

EcoBath Epsom Bath Salts 500g - Relaxing epsom salts to Gently soothes tired joints and muscles

Bramley Body Lotion 100ml - A nourishing body lotion with juniper, sweet orange & bergamot essential oils

Blade & Rose Giraffe Socks size 0-6 months - Super cosy giraffe print socks

Ingredients: Montezuma Milk Chocolate Bar 90g: Organic cane sugar, Organic cocoa butter, Organic milk powder, Organic cocoa paste, Organic vanilla extract; Hottea Mama Morning Rescue Tea (15 bags): Lemongrass (47%), Ginger Root (30%), Spearmint Leaf (10%), Lemon Verbena (8%), Lemon Balm (5%)

Please see allergens in bold

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Royal Mail 1st Class£4.49
Delivered in 1-3 days
Standard Tracked£4.99
Delivered in 2-3 days
Express Tracked£5.99
Delivered in 1-2 days
Guaranteed Tracked£8.99
Delivered by 1pm on your chosen date including Saturday

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