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Minecraft Metal Water Bottle

From £19.99

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11 hours 1 minutes 33 seconds

Finished in cool, brushed stainless steel, the Minecraft Metal Water Bottle is decorated with a selection of highly detailed, accurately reproduced full colour weapons, armour, blocks, and objects from Minecraft, the best-selling video game of all time.

Ideal for use when you are out and about and easy to slip into your bag, backpack, or the cup holder in your car. This 500ml (16floz) double-walled stainless steel water bottle is also great to use at home when you are engrossed in the world of Minecraft. The screw-top lid will help prevent accidental spills and ensure your drink stays fresh.

Suitable for both hot and cold drinks, it is a great alternative to single-use, disposable bottles. Supplied with a swing tag.

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Royal Mail 1st Class£3.99
Delivered in 1-3 days
Standard Tracked£3.99
Delivered in 2-3 days
Express Tracked£4.99
Delivered in 1-2 days
Guaranteed Tracked£6.75
Delivered by 1pm on your chosen date including Saturday

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