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Beautiful Sleep Set - Lavender

From £24.99

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9 hours 37 minutes 56 seconds

Unlock the key to beautiful sleep with our night time ritual of pillow mist, pulse point oil and velvet Compton print lavender filled eye mask. Using a scientifically proven fragrance to enhance beautiful sleep with a precise blend of lavender, cedarwood, coriander and vetiver essential oils known for their calming and soothing properties.

Beautiful Sleep Pulse Point Oil contains wonder mineral magnesium believed to help encourage sleep. Paired with sleep-inducing Pillow Mist and soft Eye Mask with comfortable stretch velvet strap, to block out light, this makes a perfect sleep aid for home and travel. 

“My work is the embodiment of dreams,” said William Morris. Experience a groundbreaking advancement in sleep technology to promote relaxation and help bring beautiful sleep.

Sustainable packaging promoting responsible forestry sourcing. Recyclable glass bottles. Cruelty free and vegan friendly. The William Morris Gallery is a not-for-profit organisation, the only public museum in the world dedicated to William Morris.

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Royal Mail 1st Class£3.99
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