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The Ultimate Sandwich Sauce Trio Kit

From £7.99

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7 hours 55 minutes 47 seconds

A kit designed to help you create the ultimate Christmas sarnie! Use up those Christmas leftovers to create your best ever Scoobie snack. Contains 2 condiments and a pickle that marry perfectly with your roast meats or vegan proteins, to make delicious sandwiches. Includes a chilli cranberry and orange sauce, Gin pickle and plant based smoky garlic mayonnaise.

Ingredients: Smoky garlic mayo: Rapeseed Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cider Vinegar, Water, Garlic (8%), Sugar, Salt, Garlic Powder (1%), Lemon Juice Concentrate, Dijon Mustard (water, mustard seeds, spirit vinegar, salt), Cornflour, Smoked Water (0.14%), Black Pepper, Preservative: Potassium Sorbate, Thickeners: Guar & Xanthan Gum

Cranberry, orange & chilli sauce: Cranberries (31.7%), sugar, water, orange juice (11.1%), red chilli (6.3%), star anise

Cucumber Gin Pickle: Cucumber, Shallot, Cider vinegar, Sugar, Salt, Gin (0.45%), Spices

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Royal Mail 1st Class£4.49
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