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Add a Gift Card

the perfect last minute gift!

Looking for that last minute gift? Why not send a gift card with your greeting card and let your family and friends choose a present of their choice. Choose from our selection of gift cards:

In order to purchase a gift card you must first select and personalise your greeting card. You will then be given the option to add your choice of gift card with an amount of your choice up to a maximum of £100 before checking out.

Funky Pigeon Gift Cards

Buy a gift card online with Funky Pigeon today and choose from any of our personalised cards to insert your gift card into. Send directly to the recipient and choose from a wide range of options including anything from iTunes and Cineworld to Next or Nandos.

Please note:

  • Prepay cannot be used to purchase gift cards
  • Only 1 gift card per greeting card can be purchased
  • Please allow 3-4 days from the date of despatch for gift card activation
  • Gift cards are only available for despatch to UK addresses
  • See individual terms and conditions for each gift card
American Express
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